HomeVR › TMAVR019 Faith/Grand Orgasm VR Featuring The Saint Of Orleans Remi Hoshisaki

TMAVR019 Faith/Grand Orgasm VR Featuring The Saint Of Orleans Remi Hoshisaki

TMAVR-019 【VR】Faith/Grand Orgasm VR feat.オルレアンの聖女 星咲怜美

TMAVR-019 【VR】Faith/Grand Orgasm VR feat.オルレアンの聖女 星咲怜美


Thanks for /t/!



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13 Comments.[ Leave a comment ]

  1. brbrbrbrweeeeeeeeow

    Is there a way to watch this in non-VR without the warped-ass screen?

    • Check “Useful software” on below.

      • Gopro VR player seems to not work for me, I tried all different settings

        the video is still warped, can’t see what’s on screen, like images are shown between many small lines. this is worse than using a regular media player, atleast there I can see her face clearly

        • Have you changed to “Windows Media Foundation” on Video Decoding settings? VLC seems to fuck things up.

          • yup I have tested all 3 available decode settings, only VLC seems to read the file but images look like this: https://imgur.com/a/CbLAn

            I have just tried converting into mp4 HEVC, issue remains

            my GPU is GTX860M

          • yup I have tried all 3 available decoders, only VLC reads MKV file for me

            the video looks like this in VLC

            i just tried converting into mp4 HEVC, issue remains

            my GPU is GTX860M

          • i think i found the issue, my GPU is GTX860M, minimum requirement is GTX 970. XD rip

          • What Windows version you are running?
            If you are running Windows 10 with latest 1709 update, try install https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/hevc-video-extension/9n4wgh0z6vhq
            If you got Windows 7, try install LAV Filters and madvr.

            Your GPU shouldn’t be issue, since myself I am using GTX760 without any issues.

          • windows 8.1

          • On that case try install LAV Filters and madvr. Windows’ build in support for HEVC and MKV support got added on Windows 10.

          • cool only DirectShow is now working, the camera angles are still a bit weird though but its better than nothing xd

            I downloaded LAV filters megamix, leme know if there are better ones I should try out. I’ll also mess around with settings my self

            thanks for guidance

  2. K2S Link broken

  3. k2s link broken

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